Anime Boston: Graphic Design
Fathom Ad, Print Material, Digital Signage, and Reusable Pride Banner in line with Anime Boston's overall design specs and yearly theming. I addition, I assist with the creation of the yearly themed graphics.

Tora-Con Logo Redesign
Collaborative small team project. In particular, I was most responsible for the technical side of things (translating design ideas into a very clean Illustrator vector)

RIT Anime Club Logo
Independent project, completely for the benefit of the club's appearance.

Illustration & Graphic Design: Independent and Tora-Con
These are all completely original pieces that combine my illustration and graphic design abilities. They combine photography, Photoshop, Illustrator, Autodesk Sketchbook, and traditional inking.
I did not create the repeated backgrounds for the Tora-Con 2020 badges (used for consistency across all badges and social media graphics for 2020)

Psyche: Animating a Complex Illustration
Made using a wide breadth of tools in Adobe After Effects. Watermark, music, and looping were achieved in Adobe Premiere
The Wicked + The Divine Opening Sequence: Simple Graphic Animation
Made using a breadth of tools in Adobe After Effects, and it was meant as an experiment with more layered (but simple) graphics and incorporating After Effects lights.
The Wicked + The Divine Icon/Logo Redesign
Made for the above After Effects sequence. Original comic by Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie, Matt Wilson, and Clayton Cowles; published by Image Comics.)